
All posts for the day May 7th, 2016

A Broken Team: Captain America: Civil War review

Published May 7, 2016 by cakedablerd

Disclaimer: this is spoiler review. If you haven’t seen the movie, go see it. You won’t be disappointed. 

Oh May, you mean so much to me. Finals are around the corner. Prom season has arrived but that’s not my reason for being happy for May. It’s my favorite time of the year for one reason: the beginning summer movie season. Which leads me into my excitement for Captain America: Civic War. I’m going to be honest. I was not there just for the story, I was there for the butts (I mean, Bucky looks good in them pants. Hnnnn….) *coughs* But, anyway Civil War takes place after Age of Ultron and, let’s just say, things are complicated to say the least.


Befitting,  right? But really, spoilers.

We start off with a flash back. Around 1991 to be exact. It shows the process in detail on how they prepped Bucky and his brain to be pretty much a mindless soldier. You see the Russians say a list words to “activate” him for a mission in which you see that he has to retrieved some from a car and leave no witnesses. Now, keep that lovely scene in mind because it is referenced quite a few times.

Back in present day, Cap, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, and Black Widow are doing recon and tracing Crossbones so that they can stop him from getting a biological weapon. (The biotech student in me is like: what is it made of? What is its mode of transmission? What types of viral vectors and DNA were used to make this?)  They got weapon, Crossbones said some things and then decides that he wants to be a human bomb by setting off a hand grande (spell check). Now Scarlet Witch did what she thought was the right thing: get the danger out-of-the-way to save as many as possible. Unfortunately, Cross-bomb was close enough to a building to kill and injure people who possibly had no idea what was going on below them.

Secretary Ross pretty much tells them “hey, I know you are saving lives and we are not going to focus on that. We are going to focus on the fact that A) innocent people died and B) y’all too powerful to go unchecked”. Then brings out a thick book (I will be calling them “The Accords”) that tells them what they can and cannot do under the rule set by 117 countries. This is one of a few instances where the writer really gives you the arguments for both sides.

So for Team Iron Man: yes, we need to sign them. We are way too powerful to go unchecked. Team Cap: no, we do not. We have been handling ourselves just fine. Besides, governments are run by people who have agendas and those agendas change.


I mean. You’re both right. Idk next topic.

There is so much that happens that pretty much will tip your mind to either go on one side of that argument or the other side. Both present their cases really well not in words but in the actions that they take.

There were a couple of sad scenes but it was almost like catalyst scenes to give that party a reason for their next course of action. For instance, when Agent Carter died and Agent 13 (yeah, remember her from Winter Solider? Who knew that they were related?) made a statement that help Steve realize what he must do: stand in his belief.

The ending is what got me. Now keep in mind that I really did not talk about a villain because to me, he really was not a villian like we see in comic book movies. Hell, he was barely in it. But the things that he set in motion all lead to that beautiful 2-on-1 fight that we see in the trailers. Zemo was the type of villian that planed seeds throughout the movie and it was enjoyable to see the end result. However, that was maybe the one part of the movie that made me think “you has to make sure that all of the pieces were together and at the right place at the right time for it work”. But I am getting slighty ahead of myself…

Towards the end, you see that Cap, Bucky and Iron Man meet up at the place where Bucky tuned into the winter solider and where there are other more powerful like him are on ice. But somehow all of them are dead and are killed by Zemo. He goes on to explain that he did not do all of this to activate them but for the three of them to meet in that room at that moment. What was the moment? For them to watch brainwashed Bucky kill Tony’s parents (I told you that flashback would be important).

There was so much in the movie that I appreciated. The way that they introduced both Black Panther and Spiderman without deviating from the plot of the movie was great. The airport scene was shot beautifully. The story fit right into place with what was going on with the other movies in the already established cinematic universe. But at the end of the day, the bad guy wins..kinda, I think. The Avengers will not be the one big happy family when Hulk and Thor comes back. I can’t wait to see how this storyline is finally going to playout while we are on the road to Infinity War.

Conclusion: Go see the movie already. It’s good. I saw it in IMAX and I was impressed. And stay for the two end credit scenes, one of them is half way through. Now who team am I on? Team Cap and here’s why. It will be an incident that some out of world being with bring down their hatred and conquering down on some insignificant country and they won’t be able to go. Why? Because those countries that are in charge of them will have them somewhere handling something that someone else can do.

So which team are you on? Comment below.