
All posts for the day May 2nd, 2016

Things will be different

Published May 2, 2016 by cakedablerd

I am a writer, a student and I work a full-time job. In other words, it’s hard to keep up with this thing. But in doing all of this, some how I lost myself. At least the writer part of me. The funny thing is, I never stopped writing. Between calls, between classes, I wrote. I jotted down ideas that I want to talk about so when I decide to writing again on here, I will have plenty of ideas.

And here we are…

With a new outlook on life and a new focus, I finally have an idea of what I want this space to be. That’s why it took almost a whole freaking year. Some times, you have to walk away, regroup and forget so that you can recharge and find your voice.

So this is the deal: I will make this a very geeky blog in the hopes of turning this into a website. I will be posting cosplay that I will be working on so I can eventually help someone else. There will be opinion pieces and thoughts on different anime, comics, movies, etc.

This is my voice. Things happens….things change. My hope is that I will be entertaining, helpful, insightful and other things.

Peace & blessings,

Cake >_<